Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hey everyone sit tight cause I got some fresh content coming your way right here on

Monday, August 10, 2009

here is another pic of the bait we used that day

these are the bait fish we use to bottom fish,they are goatfish about three inches in size,and are very effective.we call them o'ama
here is a vid taken on the west shore of oahu of my friend jimmy catching a nice uku.very good eating snapper!!!!! he is also the owner of the this vid you will see a few of my fishing friends travis with the hat,my cousin matt with no shirt,and jimmy white shirt,and last but not least is andrew shooting da vid.enjoy!!!!

heres a pic of a nice bluefin trevali caught saturday by my cousin matt

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey how is everybody doing today just wanted to let you all know I have some new pics from yesterday when we went out on the boat,so as soon as I wake up I will post them.I also have one vid so check up on this blog to catch the new content as it goes up ty.

Monday, August 3, 2009

so ive heard something about raising bluefin tuna here in hawaii on the island of oahu,am i incorrect please let me know if you have any info or know anything about this.they say they will raise them in a net in the deep water.i dont know how far out their talking about,but i know they will have one hell of a time keeping the sharks out lol.other predator fish as well will try,but im sure they have a good plan.anyway let me know if youve heard anything about this.
Hey everybody as I said I would update every saturday so here it is.this saturday was not very good two strikes both missed what a bummer.anyway an old filipino man did very well on saturday landing a nice marlin.we saw him hook up and gave him plenty of fighting space to land his we gave him space we saw the marlin tail walking and giving the old man hell.another ahi came up an easy 200 lbs,the guy who caught it said it hooked up out at the pinnacles,not a bad catch for the times as its slowed for I leave you all with this post for now,and will be getting back to you all very soon. So until then aloha

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

this is my friend nick with a tiny snapper we call uku,very good eating!!!!!! behind him is a live bait bucket with goatfish about 3 inches long,some of the best bait on the island.the other type of live bait we use here are a silver scad family and are a little bigger used mostly for your deeper sea pelagics.all of these differant types of bait are very effective and prove their worth evrytime.i will try to get pics of all of these types of bait and post them soon.
hey everybody howsit please comment on what you guys want to see more of or havent seen at all.let me know if you guys want more kayak fishing,jetski fishing,or offshore the way i will be posting video soon so stick around for friends go all different days of the week so i will be posting alot of pics from their trips as well as video from mine......mahalo
fyi the post with the amber jacks is incorrect they are not amber jack they are blu fin trevali.its the post with the fish that are in the yelloy kayak
just to let you all know if you go to the bottom of the page and click older posts you will get all of the previous content ive posted

this is a nice trevali again snapped it under water while we were fighting it

heres another yaking pic of me a few mile outside on the northshore of oahu hawaii

Monday, July 27, 2009

hey everyone howsit,stay tuned for this comming saturday as we are venturing into the unknown once again.i hope to bring some exciting fresh new content that will amaze the no worries we goin catch my braddahs,inbetween then and now of course i will be posting some content but it will be slow going til check back with me on saturday and if your new here check out the content previously posted.....aloha and be safe out there.
lately the fishing has been slow here in oahu hawaii and am praying it will pick up again.just a few weeks ago it was unreal,you couldent not catch an ahi under just a few weeks later its dead,dont know why but i know it will get better soon
when gafing a fish you want to try to stay away from the meat and try gafing under the head or the gills of the fish.dont get me wrong though gaf it wherever and whenever you can let the fish take a bunch of runs first or as soon as you stick the gaf in the water it will spook the fish possibly causing the fish to spit the hook.not to mention bringing a way too energetic fish on deck is never a good thing.with mahi aka dorado gaf and straight into the fish box or there will be hell to pay trust me i know.

my friend travis left andrew right with his ono that i posted erlier

the ono that almost pulled me in the water

this is me going for some small kine omilu i got a little motor on this yak it saves me some energy
alot of my most acomplished fishing friends are kayak fisherman.i say this not because of the size of the catch but the work involved in kayak fishing.its not for the beginner waterman and can be dangerous.they have a fishing club strictly for kayak fishing called aqua hunters and if i remeber correctly they give kayak fishing tours for a decent price.if you are interested and are comming to oahu hawaii email me and i will hook you up with them

some omilu papio aka amberjack

my friend john a kayak only fisherman holding a nice kawa kawa

me pointing at a bird pile and my friend ross hooked up with a ahi tuna

this was the 21.6 hydrasport we owned with the same tacoma truck pulling it.sold it about 6 months ago

another pic of the seaswirl,its a 2001 hull with one 90 hp honda four and a 4 hp kicker.engines are 2001 also

this is the new boat...... 19.6 feet seaswirl striper just baught last week thursday. a list of previous boats 18.6 feet ali'i kai hawaiian made boat.....21.0 hydra sport mainland boat very good trolling boat by the way.

my friend andrew and his ono caught on the westside of oahu

heres a better pic of that 50lb ahi my friend james is holding

some bait we were using going for marlin only one took a hit probably by an ono

me on the left with my friend travis again holding some nice bull mahis aka dorados

my friend travis hooked this sailfish on the westside as well

this was a nice little yellow fin ahi we hooked up with think about 50lbs not bad for that season.decided to take an underwater pic while we were fighting it

early morning northshore oahu

here is a pic of some of the action on the westside of many piles that day

lol hahah i remember this bird was sooo tired we were about 7 miles out and i guess he needed a place to rest.he stayed with us for about half an hour then headed for the shore
these two photos below are from the westside of oahu,the kayak pic is on the northshore of oahu early in the morning

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

as i was saying always ease off the drag when the fish gets close to the boat the leverage the fish has at such a close distance is much too great to compete with and will pull you straight into the water with it deep to the bottom of the ocean
if i remember correctly this ono was 46 lbs prety good almost took me into the water as i forgot to back off the drag when it got close to the boat.

here it is a better pic

heres a nice ono/wahoo

here are a few pics from back in 07

first words

Hello and welcome to this fishing blog,As a fisherman on the island of oahu i have many stories to tell about the pacific ocean,the fish we catch,and the people ive met.In the future i will be posting all kinds of pictures and stories of our day along with any tips i may have to compliment the post. if you have anything you would like to ask or share please do so...MAHALO